The Perspective Of HR Professionals And Consultants On The Effect Of Learning And Development On Employee Performance (2019)

This dissertation highlights the perspectives of HR professionals and consultants on the effect of learning and development on the employee performance. The research will also show how the influence of learning and development on the employee performance adds to their loyalty and commitment towards the organization. The rationale of choosing learning and developing topic is the need to emphasize on the influence of the same on the performance of the employees in the success of the organization.

In order to facilitate the scope of the research, the researcher had conducted interviews with 3 HR practitioners, who are members of the CIPD and 3 consultants from various consultancies. For the research approach, the inductive research approach has been selected for this study because it is a suitable approach where primary and secondary data collection is necessary for accomplishing the objectives of the research. The primary data will be collected via interview method. The six interviews have been transcribed and then analysed using ‘Thematic Analysis framework’.

Also, to achieve the aims of the research, four main research questions were also developed. The analysis and discussion of both the literature review and interviews revealed that an organization needs to train and develop its employees to broaden their knowledge, skills and expertise. In doing so, the trained employees contributes to the organization and helped it in moving forward. Moreover, the need for training and development should be based on achieving the organizational objectives which will enable the organization to compete and be successful.

To sum up the findings from interviews and literature review, it is recommended that organizations must provide an effective career development and effective training to the employees and use learning and development as a tool for strategy. This will in return enhance the motivation, loyalty, productivity of the employees and help reduce turnover and absenteeism.

Dissertation objectives

  • To critically analyse the role of learning and development in the pursuit of higher performance
  • To critically explore the perceptions of HRD practitioners in current business context as regards learning and development
  • To study the importance of learning and development and its influence on employee performance
  • To provide recommendations to increase the achievement of enhanced employee performance
  • 16,000 words – 52 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellent analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes interview transcripts
  • Ideal for HRM students

1 – Introduction
Background and rationale of the research
Dissertation Rationale
Aim of the research
Objectives of the research
Research Questions
Research Methodology
Limitation of the research

2 – Literature Review
Role of learning and development in an organization
Benefits of employee training and development
Creating a learning environment in your organization
Perspective of HR professionals and consultants on learning and development
For HR Practitioners
For Consultants
Performance Management
Learning Organization vs. Organizational Learning
Current trends and practices of Learning and development
Influence of learning and development on employee performance

3 – Research Methodology
Justification for the chosen methodology
The research Philosophy
The Research Approach
Research Methods
Type of data and Sources of Data
Data Analysis
Sampling technique
Ethical Considerations

4 – Analysis and Discussion
Learning and Development helps organization move forward
Learning and Development enhances motivation and performance
Learning and Development leads to innovation and creativity
Learning and Development as a Key to organizational Success
Learning and Development as a 2 way process
Learning and Development paves way for a better customer service

5 – Conclusion and Recommendations
Future Significance of the Research
Limitation of the research



Perspective Of HR Professionals And Consultants On Employee Performance Dissertation
Perspective Of HR Professionals And Consultants On Employee Performance Dissertation

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