The Impact of E-Recruitment and Its Processes on Business Performance (2020)
E-Recruitment Technology on Business Performance Dissertation – One of the most instrumental resources to the development and growth of any business environment is the human resource. E-recruitment is the latest technological means that are used by companies in selecting this most important resource. With the tremendous growth in the world population, the labor market has over time become one of the most competitive with high numbers of people seeking to get employed.
The traditional recruitment methods are slowly undergoing a revolution as a way of shifting from tedious manual recruitment to the new internet technologies. E-recruitment has been strongly adopted by both medium size and large size companies with most of them using the platform to post their vacancies, receive resumes and make responses to the applicants by use of email or any other contact details provided by the applicants. Besides helping cut down on the tedious recruitment process, E-recruitment has helped companies attain low costs in terms of getting out their vacancy advertisements, shortening the process, building company brands and provision of customized solutions.
Despite being beneficial, the E-recruitment process also has several challenges to include the emerging technological trends, expansion of the process thereby corrupting on the entire staff recruitment process. This dissertation aims to objectively analyze and report on E-recruitment and its impact on business operations.
The main objective of the study was to analyze and assess the effects of e-recruitment and its selection process to the performance to enable us to provide proper recommendations on the possible actions that can help make the process more efficient.
Dissertation objectives
- To evaluate how e-recruitment and its selection process has affected the human resource function
- To identify the e-recruitment technology practices that have been adopted at various institution levels (Private, Public, and MNCs) and their impact on business performance
- To establish the level of awareness on the e-recruitment technology and its dominance on the social media platforms with its impact on business growth
- To establish the level of change and interaction institutions are experiencing by the use of the e-recruitment function.
- To establish the level of reaction that the use of the e-recruitment platform has brought about to both the employers and employees
- 20,000 words – 68 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for HRM students
1 – Introduction
Background of the Study
E-Recruitment Practices
Employee Retention
Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
Problem Statement
Research Objectives
General objective
Specific Objectives
Research Questions
The Purpose for The Study
Scope of The Study
Limitations of The Study
2 – Literature Review
Theoretical Framework
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Firm Growth Theory
The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
Empirical review
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment Process
Types of E-Recruitment
Social Network Sites
Corporate Websites
E-recruitment Agencies
Commercial Job boards
E-Recruitment versus Traditional Recruitment
Traditional Recruitment
Classified Advertisement
Impressions of Traditional Recruitment
Critical Analysis
Traditional Recruitment Shortcomings
Why is Traditional Recruitment Method dying?
Traditional Recruitment Methods as compared to Modern Recruitment Methods
Organization’s Perspective of E-Recruitment
Applicants Perspective of E-Recruitment
Talent Acquisition
Effectiveness of Online Recruitment
Internal Recruitment Sources
The Internet and Recruitment
3 – Research Methodology
Research philosophy
Research Design
Population and Sampling
Sampling frame
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Research Quality
Ethical Consideration
4 – Data Analysis and Presentation
Response Rate
Pilot Study
Background Information
Gender Distribution
Ownership of Businesses
Classification of Business
Employee distribution
Estimated Business Earnings
Response Analysis for The Effect of e-recruitment to Business Growth
E-recruitment Technology
E-recruitment and Its Selection Process
Awareness and Social Sites
Correlation Analysis
Relationship between E-recruitment and Selection Process to The Growth of Businesses
Relationship Between Technology and Business Growth
5 – Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation
Discussions of the findings
Major Findings
The Influence of E-Recruitment and Its Selection Process to Growth
E-recruitment Technology and Growth
E-recruitment Awareness Creation and Social Networks Influence on Business Growth
Reaction, Interaction and the Theme of Change