What Are The Major Contributors To Knowledge Loss At The Intel Corporation

Knowledge Management (KM) is defined as the art of creating value from an organisation’s intangible assets. This is the definition of KM that is believed to be the most relevant to this paper and the Intel Corporation. This dissertation looks into the contributing factors that can lead to knowledge loss within an organisation. As without effective KM policies and procedures, organisations run the risk of loosing knowledge, therefore reducing the resources that provide the organisation with a competitive edge. For this study into knowledge loss the Customer Business Operations (CBO) department at Intel Corporation was chosen.

Both positivist and phenomenological types of research were undertaken to ensure the widest possible feedback from the sample. The questions asked were based on a range of academic literature including KPMG’s knowledge management survey, Davenport and Prusak and whitepapers that already existed within Intel. The results have indicated that Intel Corporation is suffering the effects of knowledge loss. However, due to limitations in the research it is not possible to pinpoint any one particular way that knowledge is being lost, or if knowledge loss is confined to one department or is more widespread.

Five recommendations have been formulated from the findings and analysis. It is hoped these recommendations could reduce knowledge loss within the CBO department of Intel. These recommendations could be applied to other departments within Intel as they are generic. There are opportunities for further research and investigation in the future to discover if any further changes can be made to ensure that knowledge is not lost further.

The aim of this dissertation is to assess Intel’s knowledge loss through examining existing knowledge management policies and procedures within the Intel Corporation, other aims include:

• To give an overview of the Intel Corporation its mission; objectives and values.
• To outline Intel’s current KM policies and procedures
• To analyse the problems incurred by knowledge loss and identify the need for efficient knowledge transfer specifically within Intel’s CBO Department.
• To provide a concise methodology to conduct the required research.
• To examine and analyse current literature relating to KM, knowledge loss and retention, tacit and explicit knowledge, the different forms of knowledge transfer and sharing and finally literature relating to knowledge innovation.
• To critically analyse primary research collected along with an in-depth comparison to secondary research conducted in the literature review.
• To identify and justify the major contributors of knowledge loss within the Intel Corporation.
• To recommend effective knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing methods to improve KM and decrease knowledge loss within Intel’s CBO department.

  • 15,000 words – 125 pages
  • Excellent use of literature and models
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Useful for Business, IT and HRM students

1. Introduction

2. Intel Corporation
Brief History of Intel
Products and Services
SWOT Analysis for Intel
Organisational Size
Goals and Strategy
Intel’s Culture
Financial Analysis

3. CBO at INTEL – Internal Analysis
CBO at Intel
Knowledge Loss in CBO at Intel
Department Size and Structure
CBO Products
CBOs Culture and Mission Statement

4. External Analysis
The CPU Industry
Competitor Analysis
External Environment Analysis
Environment Uncertainty – Intel
Environment Uncertainty – AMD
PEST Analysis for Intel
Intel’s Competitive Advantage

5. Literature Review
Intel’s Knowledge Management (KM) Policies and Procedures
What is Knowledge Management
Why Implement KM
Intel’s Latest KM Strategy
Types of Knowledge
Explicit Knowledge
Tacit Knowledge
Intel’s Use of ‘Explicit’ & ‘Tacit’ Knowledge
Knowledge Conversion
Knowledge Loss and Retention
How is Knowledge Lost?
Individuals Knowledge Loss
I.T. Knowledge Loss
Knowledge Reinvention
Knowledge Sharing and Transfer
Knowledge Innovation

6. Methodology
Research Methodology
Primary Research
Methodological Triangulation
Questionnaires – Quantitative Methodology
Basis for the Questionnaire
Interviews – Qualitative Methodology
Basis for Interviews
Observation – Empirical
Secondary Research
Internal sources
Justification of Research Methods

7. Critical Reflection of Data Gathered
The Research
Choosing the Sample
The Questionnaire
Type of Questionnaire Used
The Results
The Results
Limitations and Future Research

8. Analysis
Overview of Knowledge Management (KM) at Intel
Key drivers for Accepting KM
Overview of Analysis
Analysis of Findings

9. Recommendations and Conclusion
Key Points from Analysis
Encourage People to Stay
Recording Information and Knowledge Capture
Increased Cross Training Sessions
Increase Social Networks
Introduction of a Chief Knowledge Officer
Summary of Recommendations
Critical Reflection


Appendix Section

Knowledge Loss At The Intel Corporation Dissertation
Knowledge Loss At The Intel Corporation Dissertation

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