A study into the opportunities of implementing an e-HR system at British Energy (2004)
The need for information technology to support Human Resource Management is rapidly increasing in order to facilitate the pressures of HR departments within organisations. The opportunities of implementing an e-HR system in assisting strategic management and organisational development is the focus of this dissertation.
This dissertation establishes the relationship between Human Resource Management and Information Technology. It examines the extent to which the opportunities of e-HR are able to meet the challenges and facilitate Human Resource departments in becoming more strategic and efficient by leveraging information technology.
Participant observation, qualitative and quantitative methods of research conducted at British Energy along with the plethora of literature on e-HR systems and the issues surrounding the subject, assisted the author to draw conclusions upon the introduction of such a system in this organisation. The research showed specific problems and issues BE had with their existing Human Resource processes, but it also emphasised the opinion of current BE information systems in use, implying that the current systems were not advantageous to BE or to IT.
The author found academic literature on e-HR as a whole very limited and little theory and development on this area was available. This is due to e-HR being innovative technology in the area of HR technology and academia failing to give the impact of IT on HR the attention it deserves. The author deems an e-HR system is a vital tool to precede British Energy in progressing in efficiency and productivity by enabling Human Resource departments to perform a strategic role and enable empowerment for employees. However, integrating the analysis with critical points in the literature, many potential areas of concern have been highlighted, which can consequentially have a negative effect upon e-HR if not acted upon.
- 17,000 words – 95 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for IT and HRM students
1: Introduction
Business Opportunity
The Objectives
2: Methodology
Primary Research
Qualitative Methods
Quantitative Methods
Secondary Research
3: Industry Analysis
External Analysis
Company Overview
External Environment
BE Stakeholders
Environmental Influences
Government Regulations
External Regulations
Environmental Regulations
Key Competitive Forces
Identify Competitive Position
BE Remaining Competitive
Key Opportunities and Threats
4: Industry Analysis
Internal Analysis
Internal Environment
Organisation Structure
Shared Values
Staff and Skills
HR People Management Information System (HR PMIS)
HR Toolkit
Work Management System
5: E-HR Objectives
E-HR Defined
Elements of E-HR
E-HR Objectives
Eliminate Process Steps
Enable HR to Serve More Strategic Role
Reduce Administrative Costs
Increase Information Access
Improve Services to Employees HR and SSU Managers
Key Drivers for E-HR
E-HR Opportunities for BE
6: HR Development and IT
IT and HR Function
Implementing HR Technology
Adoption Phase
Impact of IT on HR
7: HR and IS Strategy
Strategy Defined
Aligning Business and IS Strategy
HR and IS Strategy
8: Barriers To E-HR
Barriers of E-HR
HR Staff
E-HR System
9: Findings and Discussion
Findings from Quantitative Questionnaires
Background Information
Views on Existing BE Information Systems
Involvement With HR and SSU
Views on E-HR System for BE
Findings from Interviews and Group Focus Meeting
Current Processes and Opportunities of E-HR
10: Conclusions
11: Recommendations
Application Design