Online Consumer Behaviour: An Analysis Using The Technology Acceptance Model And Flow Theory – How Effective Is The Technology Acceptance Model And Flow Model To Online Consumer Behaviour? (2007)
The main purpose for this dissertation is to analyse how effective the technology acceptance model and flow theory is to online consumer behaviour. Researchers such as Marios Koufaris (2000) have already made distinctions on the impact of the technology acceptance model and how it has influenced online behaviour, but other researchers have also spoken broadly about this subject.
The technological revolution is rapidly changing, not only the way society learns but also the way the world communicates, conducts business and carries out day-to-day activities discusses Crook (2001). Kennel (2001) reflects on this by clarifying that the Internet is the fastest growing technological revolution in history. The report will look at three main factors the research question, firstly consumer behaviour, online consumer behaviour and the technology acceptance model.
Using various literature and journals the researcher will examine these three constructs. The aims of the research are: (1) What the student’s attitudes are towards general consuming habits? (2) What the attitudes are towards consuming online? (3) Examining the pro’s and con’s of the increasing presence of technology and information within business, and (4) How effective is the technology acceptance model?
- 10,000 – 52 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent use of models
- Includes questionnaire
- Expertly written throughout
- Ideal for IT and business students
1. Introduction
Research Aims
2. Literature Review
Consumer Behaviour
Technology Acceptance Model
Models of Technology Acceptance
3. Methodology
Research Methods
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Type of primary research
Evaluation and Limits of Research Method Chosen
Project Objectives
4. Findings and Analysis
Introducing the findings and the analysis
Questionnaire results
Technology Acceptance Model and its effects on business environments
5. Online Consumer Models
Online Privacy
Purchases on the Web
Website Revisits
6. Is Theory Of Planned Behaviour and Flow Theory Relevant To Online Consumer Behaviour?
Theory of Reasoned Action
Conceptual Model for Theory of Planned Behavior
7. Conclusion
Appendix Section