The Impact of the Information Age on Modern Day Society: How do the Internet and Online Gaming Influence Social Capital? (2009)

Influence of the Internet and Online Gaming Dissertation – The information age and technological innovations increasingly have an affect upon our lives; the Internet phenomenon is a technology that many of us will have experienced. The Internet was originally designed for research among academic and military establishments; today the Internet is an informational resource, a communications tool and increasingly, a leading form of entertainment for those privileged with access.

Communication is instant and wide ranging, entertainment can be tailored to the interests and preference of the user and the abundance of information available is overwhelming. For these reasons, many of us are spending increasing amounts of time using the Internet. Academics, governments and policy makers fear the Internet may be decreasing social capital within society.

To investigate the impact the Internet and a major form of online entertainment, online gaming, are having, the author opted for a triangulation method using existing literature as secondary research and two methods of primary research conducted in online gaming communities.

  • 13,000 words – 80 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good in depth analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for business and IT student

1. Introduction
Aims and Objectives

2. Literature Review
Internet and Social Life
The Online Gaming Phenomenon
Internet Misuse

3. Method
Web-Based Questionnaire
Time-Diary Study

4. Analysis
Usage Statistics Analysis
Light Internet User Usage Analysis
Medium Internet User Usage Analysis
Heavy Internet User Usage Analysis
Sociability Analysis
Light Internet User Sociability Analysis
Medium Internet User Sociability Analysis
Heavy Internet User Sociability Analysis

5. Discussion
Limitations and Data Credibility
Demographics, Digital Divide and Stereotypes
Influence of the Internet and Online Gaming on Social Capital
Hypotheses Accuracy

6. Conclusion References



Influence of the Internet and Online Gaming Dissertation
Gaming and Modern Day Society Dissertation

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