An Exploration into the Economic Consequences of WTO Accession on GCC Countries (2013)
Economic Consequences of WTO Accession Dissertation – The dissertation aimed to analyze the long term economic impact of WTO on the GCC countries by evaluating level of sustainability, competition and foreign direct investment in the region. Accession to World Trade Organization has helped GCC states to enhance their national business environment and is considered a valuable means for generating domestic payoffs. It maximizes employment opportunities and help in settling trade disputes.
However, some overlapping is present between the potential benefits and economic challenges linked with WTO accession especially due to its role in bolstering inflows of foreign direct investment and exports. Among GCC member states, the economic impact of WTO accession on Saudi Arabia has been discussed in detail. To know the perceptions of economic analysts, a semi structured interview session was held with fifteen employees of three KSA companies operating in Riyadh.
Findings from both the primary and secondary research revealed that despite having strong GDP, the Kingdom has to confront various threats after joining WTO mainly concerned with increased FDI entry, discriminatory multilateral trade relations and excessive reliance on oil reserves. In spite of all these challenges, the international trade agreements of WTO will have a far reaching impact on the social structure of the Kingdom.
For economic diversification, and also for sustaining the development momentum triggered by economic reforms and well investigated budget allocations for less developed industrial sectors, Saudi Arabia has to integrate well with the global trade mechanism thus creating more employment opportunities for domestic population. Privatization and reduction in non tariff barriers will ensure smooth trade relations with foreign counterparts. This dissertation will assess the following objectives;
- To assess the economic implications of WTO accession for the GCC member states in particular Saudi Arabia
- To know the extent to which GCC states have adopted the economic legislations put forward by WTO
- To identify the contribution of foreign direct investment in improving the GDP of GCC states
- 15,000 words – 80 pages in length
- Good use of literature
- Expertly written throughout
- Outstanding piece of work
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for international law students
1 – Introduction
Background of the study
Saudi Arabia’s trade positions and economic interests
Rationale for the chosen topic
Statement of the problem
Aims and Objectives
Research Questions
2 – Literature Review
What is WTO?
Basic Principles of the WTO
Gulf Cooperation Council
GCC and the WTO
Foreign Direct Investment in GCC States
Economic Challenges Faced by GCC Member States
Saudi Arabia and WTO
Objectives behind Saudi Arabia’s WTO Membership
Impact of WTO Accession on Various sectors of Saudi Arabia’s Economy
Contribution of WTO in the economic reforms of Saudi Arabia
Recent Economic Developments
3 – Research Methodology
Research design
Quantitative and Qualitative research approach
Data Collection Methods
Secondary Data
Primary Data
Research Instrument
Forms of Interview:
Interview Guide
Sample size
Validity and Reliability
Pilot Study
Ethical considerations
4 – Data Analysis
Demographic characteristics of respondents
Content Analysis of semi-structured interview session
5 – Conclusion and Recommendations
Findings of the study
Suggestions for future research
Appendix Section