Innocent Drinks Brand Marketing Strategy – Innocent drinks was created in 1999 by three young entrepreneurs (innocent, 1999) and has been 90% owned by The Coca-Cola Company since 2013. They produce smoothies, juices and veg pots which are sold in the UK and in a few European countries. The innocent drink brand values are healthy, natural, sustainable and ethically responsible.
These values are reflected in their products, made exclusively with natural and sustainably sourced ingredients, with no added sugar and no concentrate, and whose 10% of profits go to charity. Innocent drinks communicate their brand values through above-the-line and below-the-line advertising by using subtle marketing techniques that seek to communicate the brand’s personality. According to de Chernatony, McDonald and Wallace (2013) core values are essential to defining the corporate brand identity and support the brand promise being made to the customer, and they guide internal and external brand building.