Influence of Digital Marketing on Consumer Purchasing Behaviour

Influence of Digital Marketing Dissertation – Digital marketing is the promotion and selling of goods using online platforms. It influences consumer purchasing behaviours by attracting customers and maintaining customer loyalty. Various digital media that are used include social media, search engine optimization, and email marketing, among other platforms. Different organizations use digital marketing as a promotional tool that enhances customer relationship management.

Through the use of digital media, organizations create a continuous interaction and engagement with customers that lead to a long-term relationship. Digital marketing enables customers to get information about the products, see the product features, and order for the product at the place of their convenience. This changes the purchasing behaviour in them.

Digital marketing helps in improving the brand of the products and quality of the services offered by an organization. Many people agree that digital marketing influences consumption and purchasing behaviour in an individual. So many people get attracted to the beautiful and attractive product content displayed on the digital media platforms.

The research will use qualitative research where people will be interviewed on the influence digital marketing plays in consumer purchasing behaviour. Generally, digital media helps both consumers and organizations. As consumers are influenced to purchase a product of a given company, the company receives a high commodity in return.

  • 12,000 words – 54 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellent analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes interview questions
  • Ideal for marketing students

1 – Introduction
Problem Statement
Research Questions
Dissertation Rationale
Dissertation Hypothesis
Significance of the Study
Dissertation Objectives

2 – Literature Review

3 – Research Methodology
Research Philosophy
Research Approach
Research Strategy
Qualitative Research
Data Collection Method
Data Analysis
Reliability and Ethical consideration
Research Scope and Limitations

4 – Research Findings
Interview Questions Findings
Summary of the Findings

5 – Research Analysis
How Digital Media Attracts Customers
How digital marketing helps maintains customer loyalty
How Digital Marketing Helps with Product Promotion

6 – Conclusion and Recommendation


Interview Questions

Influence of Digital Marketing Dissertation
Influence of Digital Marketing Dissertation

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