How Experiential Marketing can Enhance Traditional Marketing Communications in the Business to Consumer Sector (2008)
Experiential Marketing versus Traditional Marketing Dissertation – This dissertations looks into how experiential marketing can be used to enhance traditional marketing communications in the business to consumer sector. It concludes that experiential marketing should be incorporated into a companies integrated marketing communications strategy from the planning stage to prevent a dislocated campaign.
Consumers are also proven to be more receptive to other forms of marketing following experiential activities. Experiential marketing is permission based so it has the unique ability to cut through the advertising clutter, as well as being highly targeted so although the reach is not as far as traditional techniques it reaches consumers on a much deeper level. Experiential marketing is a very effective marketing tool that develops an emotional connection between consumers and a brand, which can help brands to gain a competitive advantage.
The measurement of experiential’s return on investment is still highly debated and the industry needs standardised measurement tools in order to be respected fully as a marketing discipline in its own right. This research aims to prove why companies should opt for experiential marketing to compliment traditional marketing activities and could be used to increase interest in the use of brand experience events.
- 12,000 words – 76 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent in depth analysis
- Outstanding piece of work
- ideal for marketing and business students
1. Introduction Literature Review
Why Experiential Marketing
Marketing Strategies
Communication Overflow
Competitive Advantage
The Experience Economy
Experiential Marketing versus Traditional Marketing
Shift from Features and Benefits
Emotional Connection
Communication of Brand Values
Integrated Marketing Communications
Key Benefits
Measurement of Success
The Importance of Measurement
Measurement Methods
Difficulty in Measurement
Difficulties of adopting an experiential marketing approach
Conclusion of Literature Review
2. Methodology
Research Aims
Research Philosophy
Research Approach
Research Strategies
Data Collection Methods
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Qualitative Research
Interview Design
Research Limitations
Qualitative Research Limitations
3. Data Results
Table of Results
Qualitative Analysis and Discussion
Data Analysis Conclusion
4. Conclusion
Conclusion of Sub Research Questions
Conclusion of Main Research Questions
Limitations of Research
5. List of References
Transcripts of Interviews
Interview 1 – Carbon Marketing
Interview 2 – Sledge
Interview 3 – First Protocol
Interview 4 – Olive 360
Dissertation Reflective Report