The Female Approach To Consumer Decision Making For Traditionally Male Products (2009)
Female Consumers Decision Making Dissertation – This study examines the buyer behaviour of women, concentrating on the key differences between the genders when buying cars and financial services products. In order to ascertain the key differences between the genders when buying these products, three focus groups were conducted. Participants all held experience and knowledge of purchasing both cars and financial service products.
This resulted in an understanding of how female consumers actually make decisions regarding the products being studied. Overall the report confirms that the decision making process does differ significantly between the genders when buying both cars and financial services products. It became evident during the analysis that women spend significantly more time searching for information prior to making a purchase decision than men do.
It was revealed that particularly more time was spent when buying products they have little knowledge or experience of; such as cars and financial services. This study also discovered the importance and the effects of Word-of-Mouth on female consumers, which became even more significant with the products that this study concentrated upon. Finally, the research highlighted the negative preconceptions that the majority of women hold towards the automotive industry, and despite recent efforts amongst many major car manufacturers, female consumes still felt intimidated by car sales men and the environment surrounding the purchase of a car.
- 10,000 words – 100 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for business and marketing students
- Includes interview transcripts
1. Introduction
Setting the Scene
The Gender Pay Gap
Women as Professionals
Women Living Alone
Women Buying Products Traditionally purchased by men
Financial Service Industry
Automotive Industry
Research Objectives
2. Literature Review
The Decision Making Process
High Risk
High Involvement
Extensive Problem Solving
Need Recognition
Information Search
Pre-purchase Evaluation
Purchase Decision
Post Purchase Evaluation
Key Influences
Household Decision Making
Reference Groups
Attitudes towards the purchase
Attitudes towards the advertising
The Spiral Path
Asking Around
The Perfect Answer
Seeking more Information
The Repetition Stage
Conclusion of Literature Review
3. Methodology
Secondary Research Objectives
Secondary Research Methods
Limitations of Secondary Research
Primary Research Objectives
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Focus Groups
Implementing the Focus Groups
Data Analysis
4. Analysis and Results
High Involvement
Need Recognition
Information Search
Purchase Decision
Post Purchase Evaluation
Key Influences
Household Decision Making
Reference Groups
Conclusion of Analysis and Results
5. Conclusions
Research Objectives
The Decision Making Process of Women
The Key Differences
Limitations of the Study
Recommendations for further study
Further Product Ranges
Men Buying Products traditionally purchased by Women