An Investigation Into Service Quality Delivery On Cosmetic Websites

Service Quality Delivery Dissertation – Owing to the Internet, geographical considerations and time constraints are no longer a major barrier to conduct business around the world. In recent years, the tremendous use of the Internet by consumers for purchasing good and information gathering suggests that the e-channel has become a new and vital tool in marketing strategy. There is a phenomenon that a growing number of companies have invested in their corporate websites or brand websites.

Take UK for instance, 63% of businesses have their own or third-party websites. These companies use their websites in an increasing variety of ways to accomplish many different functions. For example, some companies use the Web as a marketing tool that allows millions of potential customers to visit their sites each day. These visitors form perceptions about the companies and the products based on what they see and experience on these sites. Other corporate websites are used as customer service tools through which customer can obtain product-information before, and after, a sale.

Managers all know that the e-channel plays an important role in the marketing strategy and many of them invest loads to build tons of functionalities in their websites. However the question is what do customers want to get from this new channel? And what kind of impact does the channel have on customers? The main purpose of the research was exploring the cause and consequence of online experience. Focused on the information based beauty websites, the paper aimed at answering the following questions:

1. What do beauty customers want to get from a beauty brand Web site and how do they evaluate the online service quality?
2. What is the magnitude of importance of the key service quality attributes?
3. How well do the selected brand websites perform?
4. To what extend a Web experience could influence customers’ attitudes toward the Web site and the brand?

  • 20,000 words – 110 pages in length
  • Outstanding use of literature
  • Good use of models
  • Excellent in depth analysis
  • Expertly written throughout
  • This is an outstanding research project

1. Introduction
Background of the Study
The cosmetic, toiletry and perfumery industry
The Internet and World Wide Web
Background to the Research Problem
Today’s customers
Company’s reaction and tasks
Research Purpose and Objectives
Structure of the Paper

2. Literature Review
The Web Experience
What is the Web experience?
Why is the Web experience important?
Electronic Service Quality
Research domain
Antecedents of the e-SQ
Evaluating the e-SQ
General dimensions of evaluating the e-SQ
Additional dimensions of evaluating the e-SQ
The relationship among the Web experience, e-SQ, and customer attitudes

3. Conceptual Model and Hypotheses

4. Methodology
Research Structure
Conjoint Analysis
Selection of method
Identification of attributes
Presenting the attributes
Production of profiles
Data collection
Questionnaire Survey
Questionnaire design and measurement
Data collection

5. Data Analysis
Conjoint Analysis
Cluster analysis
Questionnaire Data Analysis – Brand Performance and Hypotheses Test
Reliability and validity assessment
Respondent profile
The overall e-SQ performance of the websites
Test of hypotheses
Questionnaire Data Analysis – Regression Analysis
The e-SQ items and the overall Web experience
The overall Web experience and the attitudes
The e-SQ dimensions and the attitudes

6. Discussion and Conclusion

7. Managerial Implication

8. Limitations and Suggestions For Future Research


Service Quality Delivery Dissertation
Service Quality Delivery Dissertation

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