To What Extent Does Colour Influence the Purchase of Clothes? (2012)

Does Colour Influence the Purchase of Clothes? – Fashion trends over the last three decades have changed to be a mass market product from being of the few selected super-rich. From the mid 1990s those stores that usually dominated the market started to be beaten by the chains which offer special and latest designs at reasonable prices. One of these successful stores is Zara, which is a subsidiary of the Spanish Inditex Group. Zara has become an international fashion business with 1,080 stores in 33 countries from Japan to Venezuela and it has strong domination in Europe and the USA in less than 30 years.

In a year, it sells 90 million garments and its turnover in 2011 was over $4 billion. Zara’s success is much based on market orientation. When looking at consumer’s choice on products, it is a complicated thing which varies all the time. The marketers should make efforts in order to understand consumer’s choice so as to be successful. It is important to understand the nature and origin of patterns of consumption at this emerging time. Towards increasing of global changes which in turn contribute to an increase of competitive market, each market tends to satisfy its customers in a better way. So as to compete, many retailers and manufacturers adopt product strategies so as to capture customers. Colour has been seen as one of the popular strategies which influence customers’ choice.

The influence of colour on consumer choice has attracted many marketers to look at it as an important marketing tool. To date, the marketers have failed to recognise the predictive power of colour on consumers decision. This is why many researchers have been attracted towards looking at the current understanding of colour significance and characteristics without forgetting its effects on consumer choices.

This study as a result seeks to understand the influence of colour, specifically colour attractiveness and colour preferences on UK female consumers’ clothes choices. After carefully identifying the problem in explanation given above, the main aim of this study will be to find out to what extent does colour influence the purchase of clothes, specifically to women who are highly connected to colour preferences and styles, from this aim there arises the following objectives:

  • To review literature on how colour influences clothes purchase.
  • To understand how consumers appeal to the colours when purchasing clothes.
  • To find out how Zara offer different patterns of coloured clothes.
  • To recommend to the company on how to improve their business

  • 16,000 words – 56 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Good in depth analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for marketing and business students

1: Introduction
Research Context
Nature of the Problem
Aim and Objectives of the Study
Significance of the Research Study
Organization of the Study

2: Literature Review
Schools of thought on colour
Meanings of colour
Consumers preference on colours
Consumer choice of products
Consumers perception of colours
Understanding the different attributes of colour
Cultural differences
Gender differences
Psychology of Colour

3: Overview of Zara
The History of the company
Competitive advantage of the company
Market share of the company

4: Research Methodology
Research methodology
Research approach
Categories of research
Exploratory research
Descriptive research
Primary Data
Secondary Data
In-depth Interviews
Case Studies
Focus group discussion
Reliability and validity
Limitations of the study

5: Findings and Analysis
Data analysis
Discussion of the findings

6: Conclusions and Recommendations
Suggestions for future study research


Does Colour Influence the Purchase of Clothes?
Does Colour Influence the Purchase of Clothes?

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