The Impact of Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behaviour – A Case Study of Tesco PLC (2012)

Impact of Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behaviour Dissertation – This research dissertation highlights a problem statement which is “What are the tangible and intangible benefits the Grocery Retail Industry of UK can gain from the use of marketing strategies, a Case Study of Tesco PLC.” The basic aim of the research was to know the effectiveness of the two of the marketing strategies that are loyalty cards and the e-retailing both of which are the newer forms of marketing and doing business.

There are certain benefits attached to these marketing strategies and these have also been studied through the course of the whole research. From the introduction to the last chapter of the research everything has been covered. The methodology has been designed after the analysis of the literature and the data has been collected and analyzed with full concentration and care so that nothing is left and everything can be revealed just as said in the aims and objectives of the research.

From the findings of the research, four of the hypotheses are accepted which are H1: Loyalty cards have positive impact on consumer behaviour, H3: e-retailing have positive impact on consumer behaviour, H5: Both the types of marketing strategies are adding value to the company in the form of revenues which is a tangible benefit and H7: Both types of marketing strategies are building brand equity with Tesco PLC which is an intangible as well as tangible benefit towards the company.

In the end some of the recommendations sum up the research. This topic is very extensive as it includes much broader topic of current time that is the marketing strategy and the consumer behaviour. Marketing strategies are many which are used immensely today to attract the consumers from the competitors too. This war is between the companies and for this reason the companies come up with new strategies to gain the tangible and the intangible benefits. For this reason I wanted to know various policies of Tesco PLC because this is one of the most successful retail stores operating in UK and, indeed, the world.

  • 15,000 words – 54 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Excellent statistical analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for marketing students

1 – Introduction
A Brief Background of the Research
Tesco PLC Profile
Problem Statement
Research Questions
Aims and Objectives of the Research
Rationale or Importance
Motivation to Choose this Topic

2 – Literature Review
An overview of the UK Retail Industry
Marketing Strategies
Major Marketing Strategies used Retail Stores
Brand Alliance: Brand Endorsing and Endorsed Strategies
Store Image
Loyalty Cards
e-retailing A marketing strategy
Consumer Behaviour
Researches related to Various Variables
Types of Tangible and Intangible Benefits
Brand Equity as a form of both tangible and intangible benefit
Theoretical Framework

3 – Methodology
Philosophy behind the Research
Design and Strategy Employed
Sampling Technique
Sample Selection Procedure
Size of the Sample
Characteristics of the sample
Instrument of The research
Alpha Reliability
Data Collection
Time Horizon of the Study
Ethical Deliberation
Limitations of the Research Method

4 – Analysis of the Data Collected
Analysis of the Quantitative Data
Age of the Respondents
Gender of the Respondents
Educational level of the Respondents
Summary of The Model
Reliability and the Normality of the Data
Pearson Correlations
Analysis of Qualitative Data
Analysis of the Interviews
Analysis of the Interviews

5 – Findings
Analysis of The results and their interpretation
Findings through Quantitative data
Findings through Qualitative data
Hypotheses: Accepted or Rejected

6 – Conclusion
Linking up research Questions with the overall research
Linking up Aims and Objectives with the Overall research
Limitations of the research
Future Implications

7 – Recommendations, Suggestions and Reflexive Statement
Recommendations and Suggestion
Reflective Statement



Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behaviour Dissertation
Marketing Strategies on Consumer Behaviour Dissertation

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