An Investigation into Consumer Online Shopping Buying Behaviour – A Case Study of Sainsbury’s UK (2012)
Online Shopping Buying Behaviour at Sainsbury’s – Marketing Dissertation – Irrespective of the impact that recession has over the economy of the UK in the last few years, the retail sector of the UK continues to be the largest contributor to the economy. This research study evaluates the effect that online shopping has on the buying behavior of consumers in the retail sector. Marketing is the main area selected for this research study. This research study works towards identification of consumer buying trends that are changing and a shift is taking place towards online shopping.
Sainsbury’s is known as one of the largest and among the leading retail stores in the United Kingdom. Sainsbury’s has been used as the major factor to demonstrate the effect that the online shopping phenomenon has on the buying behavior of the consumers of the organization. This dissertation aims to explore the impact that the online shopping offer on the consumer buying behavior in Sainsbury’s.
Along with the exploration of purchasing behavior, this dissertation also works on analyzing the changes that are taking place in the consumers of Sainsbury’s and how the organization is generating profits by working on their services related to online shopping and shipping. The main purpose of this research study is to examine the effect that online shopping has on the buying behavior of the consumers.
This dissertation also looks into the factors that bring about changes in the consumers buying behavior. The reasons that why consumers prefer to shop online relative to shopping from the physical stores will also be explored in this research study. In addition to this the purpose of this research is to find out the advantages that online shopping offers which makes it reliable for the consumers and what is the percentage of consumers that are moving towards online shopping.
- 10,000 words – 54 pages in length
- Good use of literature
- Good analysis
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for marketing students
1 – Introduction
Research Background
Case Study Description
Problem Statement
Purpose of the Research
Scope of Study
Research Objectives
Research Questions
Research Hypotheses
Dissertation Outline
2 – Literature Review
Overview of Internet
Online Shopping
Factors Influencing Online Purchases
Base Model
External Environment
Personal Characteristics
Characteristics of Vendor, Product and Services
Quality of Website
Effects of Factors on Consumer Behaviour
Perception of Online Shopping
Intentions Underlying Online Shopping
Decision Making For Online Purchases
Consumer Satisfaction
3 – Research Methodology
Research Philosophy
Justification of Research Philosophy
The Research Strategy
Time Horizon
Primary Research
Questionnaire Survey
Secondary Research
Justifying the Use of This Research Technique
Reliability and Validity of Research
Ethical Issues
4 – Data Analysis and Discussion
Consumers’ Shopping Behaviour
Consumer Spending On Online Shopping
Defining the Present Shopping Behaviour
Category Wise Importance of Shopping Activity
Consumers Average Internet Usage
Per Week Online Transactions Made By Consumers
Purpose of Online Internet Usage
Consumer View on Benefits of Making Online Purchases
Type of Online Information Required By Consumers
Medium of Communication with Retailers
Frequency of Usage of Different Types of Coupons
Perception of Consumer Based On Use of Social Networks
Frequency of Using Sainsbury’s Online For Shopping Purpose
Likeable Features of Sainsbury’s Online Website By The Consumers
Reliability Test Result
Hypothesis Testing
H1: Consumer Purchase Behaviour Is Affected By Online Shopping
H2: Consumers Prefer Online Shopping Over Shopping From the Physical Shops
Chapter Conclusion
5 – Conclusion and Recommendations
Research Implications
Future Research Applications
Appendix Section