Gaining a Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Mobile Customer Relationship Management in the Retail Industry. A Case Study of Wal-Mart (2013)
Mobile CRM Dissertation – Globalization and an influx of technological advancements have reduced access to necessities to the convenience of a mobile phone. Nowadays, if one has access to a smartphone, they can download applications that will enable them to know many details, such as weather patterns, latest news, pay bills, transact with their banks, when to take their medicines, check their health status, find their way in case they are lost and many other aspects.
The business world has embraced this platform and incorporated it with their customer relationship management structures in an effort to secure customer loyalty and gain sustainable competitive advantage. However, this research is focusing on addressing the issues of how the retail industry can use mobile customer relationship management in an effort to gain a sustainable competitive advantage over their competition. This will be done through a case a study of Wal-Mart.
A major inspiration for all business activities is the need to gain and secure customer loyalty, this is because, more customers means more businesses, which translates into more profits and a competitive advantage over the competition. In the traditional business setups, numerous ways were devised in an effort to secure the elusive customer loyalty for purposes of gaining competitive advantage. The use of superior services is a practice that was widely used in the securing of customer loyalty in an effort to gain competitive advantage.
Customers were wooed by various businesses that their services and products were of superior quality compared to the competition. Unfortunately, a considerable portion of these tactics of attracting customers were based on direct sales practices.
Globalization and technological advancements have made it easy for the customer to get anything he/she wants through their mobile phones, from books, shopping and even paying their bills. Therefore, most customers will always associate themselves with institutions that have gone the extra mile to ensure that their lives are simplified. Although a lot of research has been conducted on the effects of mobile customer relationship management activities, the same has not focused on the impact mCRM has had in the retail industry, more particularly, with respect to gaining a competitive advantage.
This research tries to address that lacuna using a case study of Wal-Mart. Further, it aims to enlighten other retailers on how to employ mCRM to their advantage; it will highlight its numerous benefits, as well as its drawbacks. This research will create an insight in mCRM, a concept that has taken the business world by storm. It will offer an in-depth analysis of the distinct features of mCRM and what it can offer to the retail industry. With Wal-Mart being the case choice for this research, the following will be the aims and objectives of the dissertation;
- To investigate if a business organization can attain a sustainable competitive advantage over its rivals by using mobile CRM
- To identify the factors that are involved in the retailing industry relationship marketing and the role the factors play in mobile CRM
- To identify how mobile CRM helps retailers to attain a sustainable competitive advantage
- 20,000 words – 76 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes interview transcripts
- Ideal for business and marketing students
1 – Introduction
Background to the Study
Wal-Mart Mobile CRM Background
Statement of the Problem
Dissertation Rationale
Dissertation Aims and Objectives
Research Questions
Dissertation Outline
2 – Literature Review
Considerations for mCRM Programs
Traits of mCRM
Assessing Wal Mart’s Framework for the Introduction of mCRM
mCRM Problems
Phases of Communication
Advantages of Mobile CRM
Drawbacks of the mCRM Programs
Churn Model of Mobile CRM
Evans and Luskin Model for Effective Relationship Marketing
Failure of CRM systems
Objectives of CRM
Personalization Marketing
CRM’s Contribution to the World of Online Shopping Era
Examples of mCRM
Mobile Devices to be used in the Implementation of mCRM
Technology Diffusion
3 – Methodology
Research Philosophy
Research Approach
Research Strategy
Interview Questions
Limitations of Interviews
Interview Protocol Design
Data Collection Process
Data Analysis Methods
Research Ethic
4 – Analysis of Findings
Profile of the Interviewees
Customer Engagement
Level of Customer Satisfaction
Maintaining Customer Loyalty
Information Technology Readiness and Impact
Significance of Customer Relationships, mCRM and Maintaining Competitive Advantages
Situational Analysis of mCRM and Its Contribution to Maintenance of Competitive Advantage
Effect on Theories on mCRM Attitudes
5 – Conclusion and Recommendations
Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix Section