Marketing Strategy for Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to Attract SMEs in order to Bring FDI in Japan (2014)

The research and analysis was conducted on the topic of “Marketing strategy for Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to attract SME’s in order to bring FDI in Japan”. Five objectives were designed in order to get vital information and understand the importance of foreign direct investment and the effect of different marketing strategies on foreign investment. The objectives were related with government policies, METI’s marketing strategies for acquiring and motivation of foreign investment, different promotion strategies used by METI and recommendations for influence of potential investors towards investment.

In this regards author have collected important information and data regarding foreign direct investment. The response was very impressive from different responders. Mostly respondents’ age was between 35 to 45 years which indicate that they were young and have strong knowledge about foreign direct investment regarding issues and different strategies that need to be used for acquiring of investment in the country. There was 5-likert questionnaire which comprised on 21 questions and 6 questions for interview have designed. Total 57 respondents’ responses on 5-likert questionnaire and 11 respondents’ responses through interview were collected

Mostly respondents stated that foreign investment plays an important role if government should take initiatives towards motivation and with the help of marketing strategies and also provide some incentives for foreign investors. In this regards, METI is playing an important role for acquiring and motivating of foreign investors in order to get more satisfaction and growth in country’s economy. In which METI have introduce some promotion activities and legal actions such as social medial, technological interaction, intellectual property protections and other aspects that influence the foreign investors to invest more and more. The dissertation objectives are:

  • To identify problems involved in hampering FDI in Japan.
  • To study the relationship between the foreign investors and METI.
  • To perform a validation for current marketing strategy of METI and propose a new framework for the marketing strategy depending upon the research.
  • To devise and suggest appropriate strategies for Japan that are based on the use of modern marketing tools and techniques
  • To know how Social Media Marketing, E-Marketing, and internet promotional tools specifically can be brought to use to develop a positive repute for investing in Japan.
  • 14,000 words – 64 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for international marketing students

1: Introduction
Research Aim and Objectives
Rationale of study: Need of a Strategic approach in order to Attracting FDI in Japan
Why Involve Information Technology?

2: Literature Review

3: Research Methodology
Sampling Strategy
Research Methods
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations

4: Data Analysis
Demographic description
Data Analysis of objectives

5: Discussion and Findings

6: Conclusion, Recommendations and Limitations

Appendix Section
Survey Questionnaire
Interview Questions

Marketing Strategy and Attracting FDI in Japan Dissertation
Marketing Strategy and Attracting FDI in Japan Dissertation

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