The Effects of Gender on Family Purchasing Behaviour (2015)

Gender on Family Purchasing Behaviour Dissertation – There is a great need to conduct research on purchase behaviour and patterns of families. Democratization of the society has been on the rise, and this has affected the way gender is viewed by both the members of a family as well as the entire society. Due to the changes caused by the democratization of the society, the traditional family model which involved a define hierarchical organization and where role played by each member of the family were clearly defined, has been reduced into a new family model, with less hierarchical organization and that includes new family patterns.

Some of the modern family models include single parents, multinuclear families, co-habiting couples, homosexual couples among others. In this dissertation, there will be extensive use of the terms such as ‘couple’, ‘husband/man’, as well as ‘wife/woman. This is mainly because these are the key elements of a family. Family purchasing behavior is a complex unlike individual purchasing behavior. The process involves complex stages right from making the decision to the real purchasing.

There are several factors that affect the family purchasing behavior. This study will investigate the effects that gender has on the family purchasing behavior. It is of great important to understand how gender affects the family purchasing decisions. This understanding will help in predicting the purchasing pattern in spouses. This study is therefore very important to the firms as well as institutions of higher learning. By understanding the family purchasing patterns, the firms will be able to adopt marketing strategies that will help in achieving increased sales.

The institutions of higher learning will benefit from this study since by understanding the family purchasing patterns; they will adopt the best strategies in training marketers. This dissertation will investigate the effect of gender on family purchasing behaviour. The study will use a quantitative research design and an open-ended and closed questionnaire for data collection. The sample will be made of 150 couples, making it 300 individuals from London. Data analysis will be done by the use of SPSS. The findings of the study will be useful to both the firms as well as the institutions of higher learning. This dissertation aims at investigating the effect of gender on family purchasing behavior. This marketing dissertation has the following objectives:

  • Investigating the way through which couples make purchase decisions
  • Investigate the conflict between couples when making purchase decisions
  • Investigate the influencing tactics in couples while making purchase decisions
  • 12,000 words – 42 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for marketing students

1- Introduction
Statement of the Problem
Background of the Study
Research questions
Research Aim and Objectives
Justification for the Study
Overview of the Study

2 – Literature Review
Purchase Decision Making in Couples
Purchase Decision Conflict
Influence Tactics
Conclusion of Literature Review

3 – Methodology
Research Design
Multiple case study designs
Single case study designs
Target population
Sampling Procedure
Sample characteristics
Source of Data Collection
Reliability and validity of data collection instruments
Pilot test
Research Fieldwork Protocol
Data analysis and presentation
Ethical issues

4 – Data Analysis and Presentation
How couples make Purchasing Decisions
Tactics used by the spouses to influence the purchase decision
Factor tactics analysis of the female sample
Female Sample
Relationship between the Factors and the level of education in female sample

5 – Conclusion and Recommendations


Gender on Family Purchasing Behaviour Dissertation
Gender on Family Purchasing Behaviour Dissertation

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