Impact of Online and Offline Advertising on Increasing Profit – A Case Study of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company (2016)
Despite the growing research on the impact of online and offline advertising strategies on brand equity, profit and firm performance, very few studies have focused the role of advertising in craft beer sector. Similarly, with the advent of digital media advertising, there is a large body of literature that highlight the relatively predominant role of online advertising compared to offline advertising.
As a result, many of the small as well big players in craft beer sector began to shift their advertising investment towards online media expecting huge profit. Nevertheless, there is no empirical research that establishes the impact of online and offline advertising in craft beer industry. Therefore, this study attempt to explore the relationship between online and offline advertising with profit of the company. For specific study, the researcher selected Sierra Nevada- one of the fast growing craft beer brewing companies of the world.
To be more specific, this study attempt to analyse the impact of both online and offline advertising strategies in increasing profit of Sierra Nevada Brewing company. The period between 2008 and 2014 is selected for analysing the trend in profit growth. The main objectives of the study are:
- To identify the specific offline and online advertising techniques adapted by Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
- To assess the trend of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company’s annual profits
- To establish the role of offline and online advertising techniques in securing increased annual profits of Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
- To generate recommendations for other beer companies on how to develop an innovative advertising plan that maximizes both offline and online techniques
From the dissertation study, it is learnt that effectiveness of advertising strategies differ from sector to sector and it is not advisable to adopt a uniform strategy across sectors and industries. Both big companies and small companies should try to understand the priorities of the customers and conduct a market study before investing huge amount in online as well offline advertising strategies. An integrated approach that effectively collaborate the positive aspects of both strategies would be ideal for craft beer industry players.
- 18,000 words – 70 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for marketing students
1 – Introduction
Background of the Study
Problem Statement
Rationale of Research
Research Issues
What is the Issue?
Why this is an Issue now?
Justification of Research
Research Gap
Research Objectives
Research Questions
The Craft Beer Industry and Market Share
Sierra Nevada and Market Share
2 – Literature Review
Definitions of Advertising
Implications of Advertising
Early Literature on Advertising
Classification of Advertising
Online and Offline Advertising and Its Impact
Advertising and Profit
Advertising and Brand Equity
Importance of Offline Advertising
Importance of Online advertising on Profit
Advantages of Online Advertising
Advertising Strategies of Beer Industry
Advertising Strategies in Sierra Nevada
The literature that links dependent and Independent variables used in the study
Critical Evaluation of Literature Review
Conceptual Framework
3 – Research Methodology
Research Philosophy
Research Approach
Research Strategy
Choice of Research Method
Time Horizons
Sampling and Selection of Samples
Size of Total Population
Sample Size
Sampling Technique
Research Plan
Data Collection
Primary Research
Secondary Research
Research Method used in the current study
Data Analysis Tools
Web based Programs
Choice of Data Analysis used in the Research
Accessibility Issues
Ethical Issues
4 – Data Collection and Analysis
Primary Data Collection and Analysis
Reasons for selecting the survey method
4.3 Details of Sample
Gender of the respondents
Age of the respondents
Position of Employees
Secondary Data Collection
Variables used in the Analysis
Secondary Data Analysis
5 – Discussion and Findings
Discussion on the findings of Secondary Research
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company and Profit Trend
The factors that contributed to growth of Sierra Nevada
Marketing Strategy of Sierra Nevada
Key Offline Advertising strategies of Sierra Nevada
Online Advertising Strategies of Sierra Nevada
Discussion on the findings of Primary Research
Perceptions of customers on their association with the brand
Customer Perception on the preference of Craft beer companies in the market
Customers viewership details of Advertisement
Customer perception on the most important factor that attract to the Sierra Nevada Beer
The perception of Employees on the key advertising strategies of the company
The perception of employees on the advertising and profit of the company
Combining the views of employees and customers on advertising
Major Findings of the Study
Comparing findings with Existing Theories/ Arguments
6 – Conclusion and Recommendations
Relationship with Research Objectives
Relationship with First Objective
Relationship with Second Objective
Relationship with Third Objective
Relationship with Fourth Objective
Validating Hypothesis
Validating Hypothesis One
Validating Hypothesis Two
Limitations of Study
Conclusions of the Study
Prospects for Future Research