Evaluating Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Their Impact on Customer Repurchase Intention – A Study of Apple Online Retail Stores (2015)

The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the determinants of overall customers’ satisfaction and determine how they influence customer repurchase intention in online retail environment. This dissertation is mainly based on the five determinants of customer satisfaction and their influences and influence of online customer satisfaction on customers online repurchase intention in case of Apple online retail store. The five key determinants of customer satisfaction are perceived usefulness of website, perceived ease of use; perceived vendor reputation; online consumer trust; and website security.

All five determinants have been evaluated and determined on the basis of various previous studies on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in the literature review. The adopted research style in this was deductive. The research was conducted through questionnaire. Through Convenience sampling technique data has been collected from 60 university students. Each statement in the questionnaire has been analysed through frequency table and bar chart.

Six hypotheses have been developed and tested through Correlation analysis and Chi-Square test analysis in this study. Five hypotheses were accepted in this study while one was rejected. On the basis of detailed analysis, Out of six, 5 factors (Online customer satisfaction, perceived usefulness of website, perceived ease of use, perceived vendor reputation, online consumer trust) have been found to be in positive and strong relationship with the online repurchase intention. Website security has not been found related to online repurchase intention in case of Apple online retail store.

Dissertation Objectives

  • To evaluate the determinants of the online customer satisfaction in Apple Online retail environment
  • To determine the influence of determinants of customer satisfaction on the customer’s repurchase intention in Apple Online retail environment
  • To find out whether online customer satisfaction would influence customers’ repurchase intention towards Apple online retailer
  • To analyse the data and draw implications based on the data and further provide recommendation to the management of online retail firms

  • 19,000 words – 88 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellentanalysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for marketing students

1: Introduction
Justification of the Study
Apple Online Retail Store
Research Question
Aims of the Research
Objectives of the Research
Hypotheses of the Study
Research Methods
Limitations of the Study
Structure of the Dissertation

2: Literature Review
Consumer Behaviour Theories
Stimulus Response Model
Relevance of Stimulus Response Model to this Study
The Mehrabian-Russell Theory (Stimulus Organism Response Model)
Relevance of Mehrabian-Russell Theory to the Current Online Retail Context
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Repurchase Intention
Key Determinants of Customer Satisfaction
Technology Adoption Model (TAM)
Perceived Vendor Reputation
Online Consumer Trust
Website Security
Impact of Determinants of Customer Satisfaction on Repurchase Intention

3: Research Methodology
Research Design
Methodological approach: quantitative versus qualitative
Deductive Versus Inductive Research
Positivist versus Interpretivist Approach
Research Methods
Selection of Sample and Sampling Technique
Questionnaire Design
Description of Activities
Data Analysis

4: Findings and Analysis
Demographic Characteristics
Age Group
Qualification Level
Usage of Online Retail Stores
Usage of Apple Online Retail Store for buying things
Analysis of Main Variables of this Study
Online Customer Satisfaction
Online Repurchase Intention
Perceived Usefulness of Website
Perceived Ease of Use
Perceived Vendor Reputation
Online Consumer Trust
Website Security
Inferential statistics
Reliability & Validity of Collected Data (Cronbach’s Alpha Analysis)
Correlation Analysis
Chi-Square Tests Analysis
Hypotheses Testing

5: Conclusion, Recommendations for Future Research
Recommendations for Future Research



Determinants of Customer Satisfaction Dissertation
Determinants of Customer Satisfaction Dissertation

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