A Critical Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Digital Marketing To Improve Organizational Turnover at H&M (UK) (2015)
Importance of Digital Marketing Dissertation – The dissertation aims to investigate the importance of digital marketing in today’s new age. The impact and effect of digital marketing on H&M Company was also examined in great detail. For the purpose of carrying out the research, information regarding the digital marketing used by the company was collected – digital marketing was studied and the literature available on that topic was analyzed and evaluated to try to find out the impact, if any, it has on the organization’s performance, and how the digital marketing methods may be adopted in a manner that will bring positive results for the firm.
Two managers of the company were interviewed, for the reason to get the perspective of the management of the H&M company regarding the relevant problem statement of this research in connection to the H&M Company’s digital marketing strategies in particular. It was found that the company has been using digital marketing tools and methods for years and it is very beneficial for the company. Internet marketing has been extensively used and this method has captured a lot of consumers, and furthermore, there have evolved contemporary methods for advertising, like mobile phones, social media networking, blogging; that should be given due consideration if the organization wants to remain profitable.
In the global village we live in, the competition from the counter-part organizations is tougher than ever before, which is why traditional forms of marketing have been rendered moot and for this rationale, at the end of the study recommendations regarding the implementation of the other digital marketing tools are also provided. This is done for the sole rationale to provide the H&M Company with a framework so it can adopt more digital marketing method ways, that are both innovative and effective, and that will help H&M Company in gaining the competitive edge and to further increase its business.
Dissertation Aims and Objectives
The main aim is to identify the factors that will give direction to this research, and consequently lead to effect digital marketing has on the success or failure of the business. This dissertation will focus on the past literature on the topic of digital marketing and try to comprehend the work of the previous researchers on the same topic while trying to dram conclusion relevant to the study at hand.
This dissertation aims at assessing the importance of digital marketing to organizational performance and to figure out the linkage between the success of the organizations’ and the use of digital marketing methods being employed.
Another subplot for this research was to gather information on the H&M Company regarding their use of digital marketing, and to examine ways how the methods discussed in this report can have a bearing on the H&M Company and how they can be applied for a positive impact on the said organization.
Finally, through this research paper, the topic of digital marketing has being analyzed in great detail and this was done to get insight regarding the topic of study and to focus on the problem statement. This research report also gives the conclusion regarding the content discussed as well as provide recommendations to the H&M Company so they can further escalate their market-value via instilling the latest methods of advertising being discussed in this report.
- 20,000 words – 76 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for marketing students
1 – Introduction
Background of Study
Aims and Objectives
Rationale of Study
Limitations of Study
Time Constraint
Economic Constraint
Research Framework
Company’s Background
2 – Literature Review
Aims and Objectives
Types of Marketing
Outbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing
Background to Digital Marketing
Direct Marketing
Dynamics of Digital Marketing
Current Digital Marketing Traditions
Internet for Advertising
Internet Marketing Concept
Trends in Internet marketing
Content Strategy
Digital Marketing Optimization
Contact Strategy
Social Media Advertising
Display Advertising
The Google Trend
Privacy Wars
Mobile phones
Mobile Strategy
Competitive Edge through Digital Marketing
Customer Care
Building Relationship with Customers
Reach New Customers
Digital Marketing to Portray an Image
New Techniques in Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Interactive Edutainment
Conversational Marketing
Implementing Digital Marketing
3 – Research Methodology
Aims and Objectives
Philosophy of Research
Positivist, Interpretive and Realism
Research Approach
Justification of selection of Inductive
Research Design
Methodology of Research
Qualitative Design of Research (Selected)
Data Collection and Analysis
Sample Size
Research Ethics
4 – Data Collection and Analysis
Aims and Objectives
Characteristics of Respondents
Respondents Gender
Respondents Age Group
Views Regarding Digital Marketing
In Favour Of Digital Marketing
Against Digital Marketing
Managers of H&M Company
Main Aims of Digital Marketing
Preference of Digital Marketing
Image of H&M Company
H&M Company’s Website
Brand Image and Choice of Customer
Increase in Customer-Base of H&M
Alternate Brands
Future Digital Marketing for H&M
5 – Recommendations
Aims and Objectives
Mobile Marketing
Types of Mobile Marketing
Wide Reach
Instant Reach
Personal Touch
Concerns of Mobile Marketing
Social Media
Concerns of Social Media
Display Ads
Concerns of Display Ads
Direct Ads
Concerns of Blogging
6 – Conclusion
Aims and Objectives
Business and Digital Marketing
Effectiveness of Research Topic
Reflective Summary