Impact of Peer Pressure on Parents of Young Adolescents while buying Automobile Products (2016)

This dissertation examines the impact of peer pressure on the parents of adolescents while purchasing an automobile. Peers have an extensive impact on children; especially adolescents aged 18-25. The sole purpose of this dissertation is to either justify or discredit this notion. The core aim of the dissertation is to investigate the parameters of peer pressures on the young adolescents. The reasons of increasing peer pressure on young adolescents and their effects on parents.

To analyse the factors affecting the purchase intention of automobile products and to investigate the impact of peer pressures on the parents on the buying intention of automobile products. However, these aims may also allow the researcher to critically evaluate hypotheses that, peer-pressure influence the purchasing decision of parents of adolescents while buying an automobile brand and there is a positive correlation between both peer-pressure and buying behaviour of parents of adolescents. To proceed with the research aims and hypotheses, a rigorous literature review has been conducted to clearly understand the impact of peer-pressure on the buying decision of parents.

This research dissertation aims to analyse the impact of peer pressures on parents while purchasing automobile. Followings are the objectives of this research project:

  • To understand the parameters of peer pressures on the young adolescents
  • To analyse the reasons of increasing peer pressure on young adolescents and their effects on parents
  • To analyse the factors affecting the purchase intention of automobile products
  • To investigate the impact of peer pressures on the parents on the buying intention of automobile products

Research questions:

  • Can adolescents influence parent’s decision while purchasing an automobile?
  • Why adolescents get influenced by the peers?
  • Who wins this pressure and influence game; adolescents, parents, peers or marketers?

  • 18,000 words – 74 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellent analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for marketing students

1 – Introduction
Background of the study
Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
Peer Pressure
Consumer Behaviour
Problem statement
Rationale of the study
Principle aims and objectives
Research questions
Significance of the study
Limitation of the study

2 – Literature Review
Marketing Philosophy
Marketing Strategies to Attract Consumers
Role of Brands
Consumer Behaviour
Consumer Decision Making Process
Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour
Psychological Factors
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Hierarchy of Needs and Buying Behaviour
Theoretical Framework
Characteristics of Behaviourism
Conditioning in Behaviourism; Classical and Operant
Relation of Behaviourism and Consumer Behaviour

3 – Research Design and Methodology
Philosophical Paradigms
Research Approach
Research Purpose
Research Strategy
Research Methods
Mixed Methodology
Data Collection
Primary Data
Secondary Data
Sample Selection
Sample Size
Sampling technique
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations

4 – Analysis
Data Presentation
Correlation and Regression

5 – Conclusion
Outcomes of the Research
Limitations and Future Research



Peer Pressure on Parents Buying Automobile Products Dissertation
Peer Pressure on Parents Buying Automobile Products Dissertation

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