The Impact of Recession on Consumer Behaviour – A Study into TESCO (2013)

The Impact of Recession on Consumer Behaviour Dissertation – The onset of financial crisis resulted from the collapse of two major banks in 2007 namely the Lehman Brothers in USA and the Northern Rock Building Society in the UK along with the simultaneous fall of Bradford and Bingley. As a consequence it leads to the widespread of financial crisis. But the question here is why it took place to such a large extent even though there are several financial models that constitute the control of financial risk from the early 1950’

. In order to answer the above question, let’s look on some of the major reasons for its cause. Any large business house, consumer expenditures or governmental schemes may borrow public money in the form of selling shares. It is the function of large financial institutions, such as banks, to issue or generate credit transactions. A smooth inflow of credit between the borrower and the lender is what establishes ideal market conditions.

A credit crunch occurs when there occurs a lack of obtainable credit in the market and the borrowers cannot find adequate finance. Usually such a phenomenon happens when the creditors are unwilling to invest more money or hike up their interest rates to such exorbitant levels that it becomes virtually impossible for the lender to borrow. The central question, then, is why do the creditors suddenly refuse to invest more money? Actually, far from being an isolated fact, it is a part of a complex chain reaction.

The lenders reel under deficit money supply when they fail to realize the interest or even the actual capital they had invested on companies or institutions, which accrued a disastrous amount of losses. Such loss incurring companies cannot return the money they had borrowed from the creditors and have to default payment. However, when the prices begin to fall, even the bank has to sell out at considerably lower prices and suffer huge losses. Consequently, their ability to lend money is severely crippled. In certain cases, the banks are required to raise the level of capital reserves and to comply with this have to restrict lending. Even when banks perceive a risky market, interest rates may shoot up to discourage lending to credit crunch.

The aims of this dissertation are:

  • To analyse consumer behaviour during a period of recession
  • To investigate the challenges the retail stores that come across during recession
  • To determine marketing strategies that are in practice to enable organisations to cope with recession
  • To make recommendations to the retail stores on how they might operate in a period of recession

  • 20,000 words – 88 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Excellent analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for marketing students

1 – Introduction
Purpose of the study
Case Study Approach
Dissertation aims and objectives
Research questions
Hypothesis development
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Dissertation structure

2 – Literature Review
Consumer Buying Behaviour
Consumer Behaviour Classification
Programmed behaviour
Limited decision-making
Extensive decision-making
Impulsive Buying Behaviour
Consumers’ Emotional Involvement
Conflicts of Approach Avoidance
Impact of Retail Environment on Purchases
Influence of social factors on consumer behaviour
Influence of Product attributes
Impact of Financial Crisis on Buying Behaviour
Impact of technology on buying behaviour

3 – Research Methodology
Research Design
Research Approach
Choice of Variables and measurement
Sample Designing
Applicable sample population
Sample Size
Data Collection
Triangulation of study
Data Analysis Methods
Questionnaire Design
Ethical issues
Data Analysis
Limitations of the study

4 – Data and Company Analysis
The UK Financial Crisis
TESCO Company Overview
TESCO’s SWOT Analysis
Competitive Strategies
Criticism in domestic business
Criticism in overseas business

5 – Research Findings and Data Analysis
Data collection Analysis
Key Findings
Consumer Buying Trends
Data Analysis and Findings
Criteria of Selection of Shopping Place
Average weekly spending on grocery shopping
Preference of a grocery chain
Consumers’ experience of Purchasing
Change in Consumer Saving Pattern
Change in Shopping Habits
Change in Multiple Expenses
Cut down in Multiple Expenses
Current Shopping Behaviour
Online Shopping Behaviour
Communication with retailers
Preference of Online Communication mode
Online Communication Preference
Preference of Retailers Information
Preference of Purchase coupons
Social networking of retailers

6 – Discussions on Data Analysis
factors drive consumers buying decisions in recession
The most suitable marketing tools during recession
Core challenges and practices of consumers in UK retailers
Case Study Analysis of TESCO

7 – Conclusions and Recommendations
Personal Reflection


The Impact of Recession on Consumer Behaviour Dissertation
The Impact of Recession on Consumer Behaviour Dissertation

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