Impact of Television Media Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior (2016)
Television Media Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior Dissertation – Advertisements play a huge role in altering the behavior of consumers towards the products shown in the advertisements. In recent times, an increase in advertisements per brand has been observed. Advertisements have huge influence in purchasing decision of customers for particular brands. It is a ubiquitously accepted fact that advertisements can bestow special attributes upon a product or service that it may have lacked otherwise.
This work focuses on identifying the influence of advertisements on the consumer behavior and attitude. The Researcher utilized survey Research Design in the collection of the data. This was due to the simplicity involved in seeking people’s opinion using Questionnaire. Stratified Sampling Method was used to get the sample size for this study is 250. Data gathered from the study were analyzed, tested and interpreted using sample percentage frequency table.
The collected data was analyzed in tables and simple percentages, while the hypotheses were tested using the chi square technique. Hypotheses were tested critically to reveal the authenticity of responses by the respondents to the research questions. In the final analysis, attempts were made to bring to summary the tested research hypotheses and two major conclusions were made. By virtue of this study, it was discovered that television advertising positively shapes a consumer’s perception about a product.
Advertising is expensive, its outcome is usually uncertain, and most times it takes long before having any effect on consumers’ buying behavior. It is due to these reasons that many companies find it appropriate, intermittently to decrease expenses on advertising or to totally exclude it. On the other hand, some organizations sometimes consider it needless to advertise when their products are already enjoying great patronage without advertisement. Such behavior indirectly fails to reflect the fact that advertising is not just a present expense but a future investment.
Dissertation Objectives
- To study the impact of television advertisements on the consumer segments
- To study the impact of television advertisements on the consumer buying segments
- To study factors affecting the consumer buying process with respect to television advertisements
- 11,000 words – 44 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for marketing and media students
1 – Introduction
Background of this study
Aim of this study
Objectives of this study
Research questions
Statement of problem
Significance of the study
2 – Literature Review
Advertising: An Overview
Scopes of Advertising
The Growth of Advertising
Relevant News
Advertising Functions
Television Advertisement and Consumer Behaviour
Advertisement and Mass Media
Advertising Plans
Measuring the effectiveness of advertising
Communication Effect Research Consists of Three Types of Researches
Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour
3 – Methodology
Research Method
Sampling Technique and Sample Size
Data Collection Technique and Instrument
Validity of Data Gathering Instrument
Method of Data Analysis
4 – Data Presentation and Analysis
Presentation and Analysis of Data
Test of Hypotheses
5 – Discussions and Conclusion
Conclusion from the Study