Extent to Which Customer Satisfaction Is Achieved Within the UK Retail Sector – A Case Study of Tesco (2016)
Customer Satisfaction Dimensions Dissertation – Customer satisfaction is as essentially a way of measuring how a company’s service or product in relation to requirements or expectations of a customer. Customers who experience dissatisfaction in services acquired or products that have been purchased are unlikely to purchase those products again. Basically, variation in the product or service quality alters customer satisfaction which in a chain of events that triggers dissatisfaction. The UK retail market is characterized by high levels of customer satisfaction index in the retail sector and among competitors of Tesco.
Tesco is the largest retailer in the UK with a market share of 30%. The firm’s loyalty club cards program has been attributed to enhanced customer satisfaction levels over the years among other factors. The research utilized a primary data approach to identify the factors related to the retail for that enhances satisfaction. It has been established that competition is stiff in the retails sector and although Tesco has been appraised positively for various satisfaction aspects, competitors are striving to captivate the UK shopper in a bid to attain highest market share and customer satisfaction rates.
This dissertation aims at carrying out an exploratory study investigating the extent to which customer satisfaction is achieved within the retail sector in the UK as part of investigating the larger UK marketing body. The research study will focus on Tesco.
Dissertation Objectives
- To analyze the extent to which customer satisfaction is achieved in the UK retail sector, with a focus on Tesco
- To establish the various factors used by UK retail marketers in establishing customer satisfaction in the UK retail sector
- To identify feasible marketing mix recommendations to establish customer satisfaction in the UK retail market
- 11,000 words – 42 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good analysis of subject area
- Well written throughout
- Includes questionnaire
- Ideal for marketing students
1: Introduction
Background Information
Customer Satisfaction Dimensions
Dissertation Rationale
Research Aim
Research Objectives
Dissertation Outline
2: Literature Review
Theoretical concepts and Models
Kano Model
ACSI Model
Customer Satisfaction Dimensions
Marketing Mix Impact on Customer Satisfaction
Improving Customer Satisfaction in the Retail Sector
3: Research Methodology
Research Approach
Data Collection Methods
Data Analysis and Presentation
Reliability and Validity
Ethical Issues
Limitations of Study
4: Findings and Discussion
Overview of Tesco
Critical Analysis
5: Conclusions and Recommendations
Limitations to the Study
Areas for Further studies