Evaluating the Effects and Extent of Unethical Behavior by Organizations to Consumer Perception within the Food and Beverages Sector: A Case of USA Consumers (2018)

Food and Beverages Sector Dissertation – Unethical behavior in a business can be defined as any action carried out by the organization or any person authorized to transact business on behalf of the organization which falls outside the scope of moral uprightness. Unethical behavior is aimed at benefiting the organization in expense of the satisfaction of their stakeholders. Consumers being one of the most vital stakeholders in business perceive unethical behavior as incorrigible vice which harms their relationship with these organizations.

Consumers’ perception on unethical behavior within an organization diversifies depending with the extent of the damage instilled by these uncouth business activities. In this research, there is an intense investigation of the consumers’ perception on unethical behaviors within an organization. The research differentiates different unethical behavior in various food and beverage companies and the extent of perceptions explicated by consumers. The study also embraced systematic review of secondary sources. Mostly, the search of relevant information entailed the data base analysis to untangle the information relevant to the spectrum of study and area of research.

The study drew applicable information from recognizable entities involved in food and beverage businesses. The perception of consumers’ was based on the nature of unethical behavior since different consumers react differently to specific uncouth activities conducted by the organizations. Under the discussion section, the researcher extensively interpreted the findings through explaining their significance in this research study. The extent consumers’ perception is related to the consequences of the unethical behaviors exhibited by the organization.

Major food companies including McDonalds and Nestle and beverage entities such as Pepsi and Coca-cola were hugely embraced in this research study. To conclude, unethical behavior was found to greatly affect the consumers’ perception. The extent of consumer perception depends with the nature of unethical behavior and its effects to the consumers living conditions.

Dissertation aim and objectives

  • The aim of this project is to evaluate the effects of unethical behavior by food and beverage organizations on consumer perception in the USA
  • To assess the extent of unethical behavior within the US food and beverages sector
  • To examine whether unethical behavior by multinational F&D organizations hurting customers in different regions outside the USA can cause perception change towards that company amongst consumers within the US

  • 14,000 words – 60 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for marketing students

1 – Introduction
Rationale for choosing this Topic
Definitions of Terms
Unethical Behaviour
Organizational Ethics
Uniform Treatment
Social Responsibility
Financial Ethics
Food and Beverages Sector
Consumer Perception
Research Questions
Dissertation Aims and Objectives
Scope of the Study
Dissertation Structure

2 – Literature Review
Business Ethics from Consumers Perspective
Potential Costs of Business Unethical Behavior
Consumer Reaction to Business Unethical Behavior
Consequences of Common Unethical Behavior in the Food and Beverages Industry in the United States
Poor Customer Services
Immoral Dealings in the Organization
Social Media acting as a Watchdog for Unethical Behavior
Companies Benefiting from Illegalities

3 – Methodology
Nature, Strategy and Approach
Area of Study
Target Population
Sampling Strategy
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
Validity and Reliability

4 – Findings
Extent of Unethical Behavior Impact on Consumer Perception
Consumers Perception on the Employees Behaviors and how it affects the Perception on the Organization
Damage on Consumer-Organization Relationship
Reduced Markets
Loss of Competitiveness
Loss of Assets
Negative Publicity
Medias’ Role in Negative Publicity
Reduced Investments and Partnership

5 – Discussion and Analysis
Damage of Long-term Relationship with the Organization Exhibiting Unethical Behavior
Impact of Unethical Behavior on the Organizations Competitiveness
Consumers Negative Perception leads to Products Ban from the Market
Loss of Assets
Negative Publicity
Negative Publicity Perception through Media
Boycotting Partnership in Investments

6 – Conclusion and Recommendations


Food and Beverages Sector Dissertation
Food and Beverages Sector and Unethical Behavior Dissertation

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