An Investigation Into The Measures Taken To Reduce The Risk Of Wrong Site Surgery (2008)
Reducing Wrong Site Surgery in the UK Dissertation – The overall aim of the study is to assess the measures which should be taken by the nursing team in order to minimise the risk of wrong site surgery occurring in patients. In order to do this, the study will first identify the various factors which may contribute to wrong site surgery events. This will be achieved through reviewing the current literature from both the UK and other countries such as the US and Australia.
There are a number of published studies which have investigated the various causes of wrong site, wrong procedure and wrong patient surgery and this study will combine the information from these studies to create a comprehensive list of the contributing factors. The study will also assess the levels at which wrong site surgery occurs in the UK. The information will be taken from UK studies and government published data.
The study will also assess whether the numbers of cases which are reported are an accurate representation of the number of events which actually occur in the UK each year. From the information which is gathered, a set of recommendations will be constructed which relate to the role of the nursing team in ensuring that wrong site surgery does not occur.
- 11,000 words – 24 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Excellent analysis
- Excellent piece of work
- Ideal for nursing students
1 – Introduction
Study Aims
Importance of the Issue
Consequences for the Patient
Consequences for the Surgeon
Current UK Regulations
Relevance of the Study
2 – Factors Leading to Wrong Site Surgery
Patient Factors
Human Factors
Overworked surgeons
Clerical errors
Organisational culture
Time Pressures
Poor Training
Increasing complexity of the systems
Poor Pre-surgery Planning
Lack of marking of the site
Lack of verification
Poor Communication
Involvement of Multiple Surgeons and Multiple Procedures
3 – Wrong Site Surgery in the UK
Rates of Wrong Site Surgery in the UK
The National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS)
4 – Prevention of Wrong Site Surgery
Necessary Factors for Safe Practice
Current Guidelines
NPSA Guidelines for marking the site and verification
Further recommendations from individual study
US recommendations
Patient labelling
Procedures for discrepancies
Promoting Effective Communication
‘Time Out’
Addressing Problems in Organisational Culture
Staffing Problems
Quality Control
Future Directions
Addressing Problems with Reporting of Incidents
Nursing Responsibility
5 – Recommendations
Arriving at the Surgery Suite
In the Operating Theatre
At All Stages of the Process
6 – Summary and Conclusions