The Effectiveness of Brief Interventions in Reducing Binge Drinking: Perceptions of Voluntary Sector Practitioners (2012)

Reducing Binge Drinking Dissertation – The UK has an interesting heterogeneous palette of people and cultures, which also implies large differences in ways of life. It also implies varying levels of alcohol consumption based on social class status, physical availability and affordability, interpersonal or genetic predisposition. However, awareness in the growth of alcohol misuse, known as binge drinking, and its associated problems has become a prevailing problem in present society.

There are issues that have not been explored concerning people’s knowledge of binge drinking and, most especially, the practitioner’s perception of the most effective way of reducing binge drinking. The WHO Collaborative Project on Identification and Treatment of Persons with Harmful Alcohol Consumption was initiated in 1982 to develop a scientific basis for screening and brief interventions in primary care settings. Very few people understand the concept, let alone if it has the capacity to help practitioners deal with alcohol abuse.

It is important to identify the reasons for drinking among people, the most efficient methods of identifying persons practicing harmful and hazardous alcohol consumption and subsequently ways to address the problem before health and social consequences become pronounced. The brief intervention has so far been initiated because there was an urgent call for the development of strategies that could be applied in primary health care settings within a minimum time frame and resources.

The brief intervention is presided by the efforts from those in the alcohol field that recognise that problems associated with drinking begin at alcohol consumption levels Prime Minister Strategy (PMSU). This project therefore set out to assess the perception of voluntary sector practitioners towards the effectiveness of the brief intervention in reducing alcohol consumption in England, using Phoenix Futures as a case study.

Dissertation Objectives

  • To undertake a critical review of knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of binge drinking
  • To analyse and understand the practice of brief intervention in Public Health, with the effort to combat binge drinking
  • To explore with a number of voluntary sector practitioners their perceptions on binge drinking and in particular the use of brief interventions to support changes in alcohol- related behaviour, with a focus on binge drinking
  • 18,000 words – 54 pages in length
  • Good use of literature
  • Good in depth analysis
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for nursing and health students

1: Introduction
Background to Binge Drinking
Rationale for the Study
Objectives of the Study

2: Literature Review
Methodology for Literature Search/Review
Introduction to the Review
The Nature of the Problem of Binge Drinking
Impact of Binge Drinking on Individuals and Society
Social Impact of Binge Drinking
Medical Impact of Binge Drinking
Public Health Responses to the Problem of Binge Drinking
Brief Interventions
Brief Interventions in Primary Care Settings
Brief Interventions provided in Non – Medical Settings
Perception of Health Care Workers on the Effectiveness of the Intervention
Chapter Conclusion

3: Methodology
Aims and Objective of the Study
Research Strategy and Process
Ethical Issues Arising from the Research
Data Gathering and Analysis
Lessons Learned from Qualitative Research Project
Complexities of the Research Project

4: Research Findings
Research Findings

5: Conclusions
Critical Discussion and Conclusion
Future Recommendations for Practical Interventions
Educating the Public
Stringent Regulatory Framework
Promote Safer Drinking Environment
Community Based Prevention
Managing Supply
Working In-line With Alcohol Industry
Cost-Effective Measures
Improved Transport Facilities
Advertisement Campaigns


Reducing Binge Drinking Dissertation
Reducing Binge Drinking Dissertation

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