Why Do Some People Find It Difficult to Disclose Their Dyslexia at Their Workplace? (2012)
Dyslexia at Their Workplace Dissertation – This is a research based study conducted for the investigation into the reasons why dyslexic patients refrain from disclosing their impairment at their workplace. The suggested study is a qualitative study of adult dyslexics and uses age based sampling: dyslexics aged from 18 to 45.
Conducted as a survey research, the study deduced literary theories from the available literature on the subject matter and connected those theories with the findings of the survey with the help of thematic analysis. The literature suggests that the self-perception of the dyslexics is damaged; thus, due to the fear of being rejected the dyslexics hide their impairment at their workplaces.
This research thus critically evaluated the reasons that had an impact upon the self-perceptions of the dyslexic patients. The study was qualitative in nature and followed a survey strategy, with closed ended questionnaires used as the research instruments. The findings from the study are expected to have significant implications for guiding future research on the subject of dyslexia as well as having specific suggestions for dyslexics who find it troublesome to cope up with their disability at the workplace. Consequently, the following aims and objectives were designed to accomplish this study:
- To review the available literature on why dyslexic adults don’t disclose their impairment at their workplace
- To determine causes that refrain the dyslexic patients from disclosing their disability at work
- To compare and contrast the reasons evident in the literature with those of the study findings
- To analyse and suggest feasible ways through which the patients of dyslexia can cope with their disability whilst at work
- To provide direction for further research into the field of discovering dyslexia from the viewpoint of a dyslexic
- 16,000 words – 60 pages in length
- Good use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for health and psychology students
1 – Introduction
Study Overview
Background Study
Research Rationale
Aims and Objectives
Research Questions
Research limitations
2 – Literature Review
Theoretical Framework
Low Confidence and Self-Esteem
Fear of Negative Response
Attitudes of Co-Workers
Failure of Accepting Disability
Workplace Stress
Disclosing Dyslexia in the Workplace: Issues and Advantages
Workplace Environment as a Key Factor in Discrimination against Disabled
3 – Research Methodology
Research Strategy
Choice of Research Method
Research Method: Survey Study
Research Design
Methods of Data Collection
Methods of Data Analysis
Instruments to Be Used
Research Participants
Limitations of the Methodology
4 – Data Collection and Analysis
Data Analysis Method
Thematic Analysis and Rationale for Selecting this Analysis Method
Why other methods were found inappropriate
Categorising the Themes
Discussions of Survey Results
Demographic Characteristics
Dyslexic patients have tendency to hide their disability
Impact of Past Experience of Negative Behaviour
Fear of Rejection
Lack of Confidence
Low Self Esteem
Negative Attitude of Employers, Bosses and Managers
Negative Attitudes of Co-Workers
Failure of Accepting Disability
Job Applications are rejected
Other competences are ignored
Workplace Stress
Limitations of thematic analysis
5 – Conclusion
Evaluation of findings
Linking the Empirical Data to the Research Aims and Objectives
Objective One: To Review Previous Literature
Objective Two: Evaluate Reasons Why Dyslexics Refrain From Revealing Their Impairment at Their Workplace
Lack of Confidence and Low Self-Esteem
Negative Attitude of Employers and Co-Workers
Failure of Accepting Disability
Impact of Being Titled as Disabled
Workplace Stress
Objective Three: Compare Literature with Research Findings
Lack of Confidence and Low Self Esteem
Negative Attitude of Employers and Co-Workers
Failure of Accepting Disability
Impact of being titled as disabled
Workplace Stress
Objective Four: To Suggest Ways for Dyslexics to Cope up with their work
Objective Five: Recommendation for Further Research Direction