Final Year Research Project: Children And Adolescents With Sexually Abusive Behaviour (2009)

The assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with sexually abusive behaviour requires an understanding of normal sexual development. A multiplicity of biological and psycho-social factors determines the child’s sexual development, gender role, sexual orientation, patterns of sexual arousal, sexual cognitions, sexual socialization, and the integration of sexual and aggressive patterns of behaviour.

The individual’s sexuality evolves in concert and as a result of interaction with family, ethnic, social, and cultural influences. These parameters summarize what we know about the epidemiology and phenomenology of sexually abusive youths and provide guidelines for the assessment and the selection of treatment interventions for these youths.

Essential considerations in the assessment and treatment of sexually abusive youths, as well as the different categories of sexually abusive youths which should be recognized and which influence treatment decisions, are presented. The spectrum of currently available psychosocial and biological treatments will be summarized.

  • 10,000 words – 34 pages in length
  • Outstanding use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for psychology and sociology students

Executive Summary

The Evaluation Process
Forensic Considerations
The Clinical Interview
Assessment of the Sexually Abusive Behaviour

Psychological Tests
Phallometric Assessment
Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions
Psycho-social Therapies
Psycho-pharmacological Interventions

Literature Review
Normal Sexual Development
The Spectrum of Sexual Offenses
Victim Characteristics
The Cycle of Violence
Clinical Presentation
The Preadolescent Sex Abuser
The Adolescent Sex Abuser
Personality Characteristics
Family Environment
Social and Interpersonal Skills
School and Academic Problems
The Female Juvenile Sex Abuser
The Developmentally Disabled Juvenile Sex Abuser

Forensic Considerations
The Clinical Interview
Assessment of the Sexually Abusive Behaviour
Sexual History
Developmental and Psycho-social History
Mental Status Examination
Psychological Testing
Phallometric Assessment
Treatment Planning
Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions
Specific Psycho-educational Modules
Relapse Prevention

Psycho-social Interventions
Group Therapy
Individual Psychotherapy
Family Therapy

Psycho-pharmacological Interventions
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Conflict Of Interest
Scientific Data and Clinical Consensus


Adolescents and Abusive Behaviour Dissertation
Adolescents and Abusive Behaviour Dissertation

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