The Use of the Internet and Email by the Family: The Effects on Family Relationships (2010)

Family Relationships and Internet Usage Dissertation – During the last few years I have become gradually aware of my own frequent usage of the internet; banking, shopping and most of all using email. I began to consider whether society in general is also heavily dependent on this level of usage and decided to investigate the level of current research being undertaken in this field.

I established that whilst much research had been compiled concerning the internet’s effect on society in general everyday life, little research had been conducted regarding the use of email, specifically in relation to families. As I myself use email to remain in contact with family members I felt this was an interesting area to investigate further.

Using five bodies of research from the US, UK and Europe it is my aim to ascertain whether changes have occurred within the family as a direct consequence of the use of email, and the effects that these changes may have had. I also hope to throw some doubt on the assumption that the internet is necessarily a negative force in society voiced by commentators such as Castells (2001) and Nie et al (2002), who express concerns surrounding the internet’s impact on society.

The creators of the internet could not have predicted the impact that it would have on all aspects of society and that it would become integrated in nearly every aspect of everyday life; such as banking and consumerism. The growth of the internet in recent years has provided sociologists with a new social phenomenon that is in need of investigation and explanation.

As such there has been an influx of research and literature on the topic. Research by Wellman et al (2002), Anderson and Tracey (2001) and Nie and Erbring (2001) are just a few of the many examples that have recently been published.

  • 10,000 words – 50 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for sociology students

1 – The Internet and email in everyday life
The internet in everyday life
The internet as a form of communication – why email?
Research into the use of email within the family

2 – The Family
The family and the importance of communication
The concept of the family – why is it of such importance within society?
The changing nature of the family
How are family relationships sustained and created?

3 – The positive influence of the internet and email on the family

4 – The negative impact of the internet and email on the family

5 – Discussion

6 – Conclusions and Recommendations Bibliography

Family Relationships and Internet Usage Dissertation
Family Relationships and Internet Usage Dissertation

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