Benefits of Fundraising Events for Charitable Organisations
This dissertation is composed of five main sections. Section two is a review of secondary research and current literature on the subject. Within this section the author attempts to give a better understanding of events, especially fundraising events, alongside literature written about charitable organisations, and the perceived benefits of these events, both positive and negative, going into detail about social marketing.
The review will be critical involving information about the negative impacts caused by fundraising events and will help towards the aims and objectives of this research. Section three will concentrate upon the decision of the most suitable methodology to conduct the research. It will consider different methods of research and indicate to the reader why the author has chosen the specific type of research to be conducted.
It will end by examining the design of the primary research and focus separately on each section, consistently relating it back to the aims and objectives mentioned previously. Section four will present the primary data which the author has collected and analyse the findings. The section will discuss the new findings and relate them back to the literature review. Some of the information discovered will be able to reinforce previous literature and this will be emphasised within the chapter.
If there are any conflicting gaps between the primary research and the literature review these will be analysed in order for a fair and impartial conclusion to be made. Section five will conclude the research and discuss what has been found and why it is significant. Alongside the limitations which were met and how an attempt was made to overcome these and gaps in the research which present areas for future studies.
- 10,000 words – 80 pages in length
- Excellent use of literature
- Good in depth analysis
- Well written throughout
- Ideal for travel and tourism students
1 – Introduction
Setting the Scene
Reason for Project Selection
Aims and Objectives
Dissertation Synopsis
2 – Literature Review
Charitable Organisations
Fundraising Events
Fundraising Matrix
Benefits of a Fundraising Event
The Negative Side of Hosting Fundraising Events
Social Marketing
Summary of Literature Review
3 – Methodology and Data Collection
Research Philosophy
Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Research Approach and Strategy
Questionnaire Design and Justification of Questions
Analysis of Data
Overcoming Limitations
Summary of Methodology
4 – Data Results, analysis and Discussion
Presentation and Analysis of Results
Conclusion of Primary Research
5 – Conclusion
Key Findings
Overcoming Limitations
Future Research