Adventure Tourism: Motivations of Rock Climbers at Snowdonia National Park, Wales (2014)

Adventure Tourism Dissertation – This dissertation focuses on exploring the motivations of rock climbers at Snowdonia National Park in Wales. The aim of this study is to critically explore the factors that motivate tourists to engage in adventure sports at Snowdonia National Park, Wales.

The objectives of this study are; to critically analyse the academic literature on adventure tourism, to critically explore the factors that motivate tourists to take part in adventure sports at Snowdonia National Park in Wales, to carry out questionnaire research to identify the key reasons that affect people to undertake adventure sports at Snowdonia National Park in Wales, to make recommendations that can help Snowdonia National Park management in building motivation of people to engage in adventure sports.

The literature review explored the concept of adventure tourism in UK, defines motivation, theories of motivation, defines cultures and sub cultures, degrees of danger in adventure sports and factors affecting motivation of climbers and compares climbing sub-culture to traditional tourism. Questionnaire research was carried out with rock climbers at Snowdonia National Park. The findings showed that the key factors motivating climbers at Snowdonia National Park were that climbing gave them a sense of accomplishment. It helps them in keeping fit and active.

It helps them in meeting new people who share the same interests as them. Rock climbing brings the climbers closer to nature. Rock climbers feel that rock climbing is a risky sport. Completing the climb gave the participants a sense of achievement. The recommendations related to understanding the needs of every climber, to diversify routes and strive to improve the rock climbing experience for its climbers. The aim of this study is to critically explore the factors that motivate tourists to engage in adventure sports at Snowdonia National Park, Wales. The dissertation objectives of this study are as:

  • To critically analyse the academic literature on adventure tourism
  • To critically explore the factors that motivate tourists to take part in adventure sports at Snowdonia National Park in Wales
  • To carry out questionnaire research to identify the key reasons that affect people to undertake adventure sports at Snowdonia National Park in Wales
  • To make recommendations that can help Snowdonia National Park management in building motivation of people to engage in adventure sports

  • 11,000 words – 36 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Includes questionnaire
  • Ideal for tourism students

1: Introduction
Research Problem
Research Aim
Research Objectives
Context of the study
Structure of the study

2: Literature Review
Definitions of Tourism
Adventure tourism in UK and worldwide
Definitions of Motivation
Theories of Motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Explanation of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Criticism of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Application of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to climbing
Acquired Needs Theory
Critique of the theory
Application of Acquired Needs Theory to climbing
Definitions of Cultures and sub-cultures
Factors affecting motivation of climbers
Personal Satisfaction
Risk Taking
Sensation seeking
Assessing self-capabilities / Self Achievement
Health Benefits
Comparing climbing sub-culture to traditional climbing

3: Research Methodology
Research Process Onion Model
Research Philosophy
Justification of research philosophy of this study
Research Approach
Justification of the research approach
Research Strategy
Justification of research strategy
Data Collection Method
Limitations of the study
Use of one data collection method
Time Limitation
Ethical Considerations
Permission from the participants
Fraud and Deception
Withdrawal from Research
Data Protection Act
Protection of participants
Method of Analysis

4: Findings and Analysis
Findings from questionnaire research
Analysis of Findings
Analysis of Academic Literature on Adventure Tourism
Motivation Factors for Adventure Sports
Key reasons that affect people to undertake adventure sports
Recommendations to Motivate Towards Adventure Sports

5: Conclusion and Recommendations
Recommendations for further research



Adventure Tourism Dissertation
Adventure Tourism Dissertation

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