Hospital Waste Management Efficiency: Study of UK Hospitals (2021)

Hospital Waste Management Dissertation – Medical technology has made significant strides in recent years. Wearable gadgets are already often used to monitor blood sugar levels and administer insulin. People may be able to modify DNA in the future after removing genetic defects with molecular scissors. Even Nevertheless, there is a growing problem of waste management in the global healthcare industry. According to the World Health Organization, 16 billion injections are given each year throughout the world without proper disposal facilities in place.

It is not just the general public’s health that is at danger as a result of this clinical waste, whether directly or indirectly through the release of pathogens and toxic pollutants. Toxic exposure to antibacterial and cytotoxic medications as well as radioactive burns and sharps-inflicted wounds are only a few of the dangers associated with medical waste. Therefore, it is vital to assess the severity of the problem and the knowledge of healthcare facilitators about the best strategies to address it.

It is vital to determine the effects of waste on patients and the techniques that must be done in order to ameliorate the situation, as well as curative approaches, in order to provide appropriate solutions for the problem. An understanding of hospital waste management and logistics operations as a support to systems is critical when evaluating these components. The goal of this dissertation was to gain a more comprehensive understanding of these variables by developing a comprehensive conceptualization of them. As a result, this justification spectrum has formed the foundation for all of the study.

The main aim of the research is “to demonstrate what types of waste are created in the hospitals located in UK, and how they are detrimental to human health, and hospitals cash flow.” The research’s main objectives are as follows:

  • To learn more about how waste management in hospitals affects UK hospitals and their clients
  • To gain a better understanding of how the UK hospital waste management system may be made more efficient
  • To provide light on the logistics of waste management in UK hospitals and how the process works
  • To determine how well healthcare workers, grasp the rules and regulations around the disposal of biological waste
  • To understand how UK people, see the need of properly managing biological waste

  • 10,000 words – 38 pages in length
  • Excellent use of literature
  • Good analysis of subject area
  • Well written throughout
  • Ideal for business management students

1 – Introduction
Background of the Research
Research Aim and Objectives
Research Questions
Research Rationale
Research Significance
Research Structure

2 – Literature Review
Different Classifications of Hospital Waste Products
Waste Segregation
Health Hazards Caused by Hospital Waste
Training and Awareness
Waste Storage
Environmental Impact of Hospital Waste
Waste Transportation
Waste Disposal and Resale
Hospital Waste Management Approach

3 – Methodology
Chapter Overview
Research Philosophy
Research Approach
Research Design
Research Sampling
Data Collection Process
Data Analysis Process
Ethical Consideration
3.9 Summary

4 – Findings
Best Environmental Management Practice for the Waste Management Sector
Can We Create a Circular Pharmaceutical Supply Chain (CPSC) to Reduce Medicines Waste?
Standards of Clinical Waste Management in UK Hospitals
COVID-19’s Unsustainable Waste Management
Waste Not, Want Not. What Are the Drivers of Sustainable Medicines Recycling in
National Health Service (NHS) Hospital Pharmacies (UK)?

5 – Discussion

6 – Conclusion
Future Research Scope


Hospital Waste Management UK NHS Dissertation
Hospital Waste Management Dissertation

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