A risk is any potential future event or issue that can have an adverse effect on the organization’s performance, productivity, and existence managing of which not only save the organization from potential losses, but can also create opportunities along the way. This management of risks, which is called Risk Management, has a profound impact on an organization’s overall wellness and development, for example, during harnessing various opportunities and in creating a sustainable organizational culture. Risk Management is a process which is integrated into an organization’s strategic management, whereby the organization explores, identifies, and takes necessary measures to prepare action plans in order to overcome any potential pitfall. Indeed, Risk Management encompasses an organization’s all activities and involves every entity in the process from board of directors to entry level employees. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a structured approach to utilize organizational resources through an appropriate Risk Management framework, which not only helps to overcome uncertainties, but also reveals a range of opportunities that can be utilized to create greater values and to obtain competitive advantages

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